1 Oktober uppmärksammas, över hela världen, International Gaucher Day!

Detta är en möjlighet att sprida kunskapen om Gauchers sjukdom, att påminna oss om att vi inte är ensamma.
Kampanjrubriken i år är “Overcoming challanges, Living Life”

Gå gärna in på EGA´s facebooksida
och läs de fantastiska berättelserna från våra vänner Michaela, Aimee-Kate, Per och Nenad, som de varit vänliga att dela med oss.

Låt oss visa styrkan i Gaucher-samhället, en kraft som hjälper oss att övervinna de dagliga utmaningarna av Gauchers sjukdom.

Hur du än väljer att uppmärksamma International Gaucher Day är Gauchers sjukdom en utmaning som förenar oss under samma flagg, som firar liv, mod och solidaritet vart vi än är.

Så vaja med era flaggor och skicka hälsningar till patienter över hela världen. Och glöm inte att dela bilder med oss.

För att skicka in dina berättelser eller för ytterligare assistans, vänligen kontakta
Chris på admin@eurogaucher.org eller
Biljana på Biljana@eurogaucher.org

“Go with Gaucher” är ett projekt under EGA, som bjuder in unga vuxna Gaucherpatienter för möte och nätverkande sinsemellan.
Här nedan är en inbjudan till årets träff i Frankfurt 27 – 29 oktober.

Om du som patient är intresserad av att delta, så hör av dig på anmalan@morbusgaucher.se så tar vi upp ditt intresse till diskussion i styrelsen.


Dear EGA Representatives

The 3rd Go with Gaucher event is now planned to take place on the 27th – 29th October 2017 in Wiesbaden near Frankfurt, Germany. What started out as a pilot project in 2012 has now become an integral element of what the EGA aims to achieve.
As at previous events it will be a “by invitation only meeting” and it will be the responsibility of the national associations to identify your potential participant.

Once again we would like to invite young adult Gaucher patients, aged 21-30years, to participate in the Go with Gaucher event. We remind you that the Go with Gaucher program has been designed specifically with the aim of achieving two goals:-

  • To enable patients to meet with peers and build support networks.
  • To develop knowledge and leadership potential.

The EGA recognize that the success and outcome of the program will largely depend upon each individual participant. Candidates with a broad range of Gaucher experience, those either new or established within the national community will be equally welcome.

It has been decided by the EGA board that we wish to give the opportunity to as many young Gaucher patients as possible to meet with peers from all over the world and to have the chance to exchange information and ideas. Therefore those individuals who may have already participated in two previous Go with Gaucher events are unable to register.
This year participants should be:-

  • Young patients who have participated in 1 previous meeting
  • Young patients who have not previous participated

Initially there can be only one nomination from each member organization.  However in the event that the meeting is not fully subscribed the EGA board will consider additional candidates from member organisations on a discretional basis.

What we ask you to do now is to consider who should participate from within your national organization.   Please remember that participants must be English speaking.
In the first half of June we will provide further information about the program and practical information (i.e. how to register and travel). The EGA will cover the cost of the meeting, travel, accommodation and all meals.

In the meantime if you have any questions feel free to contact Anne-Grethe Lauridsen at

Kind regards

Sent for and on behalf of

Anne-Grethe Lauridsen    and    Vesna Aleksovska

 European Gaucher Alliance Board Members



Chris Hilldrup

Projects & Administration Co-ordinator

European Gaucher Alliance (EGA)

8 Silver Street |Dursley |Gloucestershire |GL11 4ND |UK

Tel:  00 44 1453 549231 |Fax: 00 44 1453 549231 | jo@eurogaucher.org | www.eurogaucher.org  | https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanGaucherAlliance
EGA log